Charity Auction

Chad Hardy's Men on a Mission project is raising awareness and funds for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in conjunction with the launch of the 2009 Calendar by auctioning off the robe that was worn on the 2009 cover, and a signed calendar personally delivered by cover model Cody Bloomfield.

As we were trying to select a cause to support, Men on a Mission Producer Chad Hardy received an email from Gary Stepp from North Carolina who had seen the calendar in the news and had inspired him to create a project to raise awareness and funds for DMD, and reached out for advice.

Gary's adorable 4 year old son was diagnosed with DMD last year.  His parents have posted a website that can be viewed at:

Garin's story inspired Chad as he was diagnosed with a spastic muscular disorder when he was a small child and was told he would be in a wheelchair by the time he reached adulthood.  Through constant care and therapy from his Chiropractic grandfather, a cure was found and today Chad enjoys a normal, healthy lifestyle.  He wants other kids to have the same good fortune.

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common lethal genetic disorder diagnosed during early childhood, affecting approximately 1 out of every 3,500 boys and 20,000 babies born each year.  A devastating, progressive disorder, DMD causes loss of muscle function and independence.  To date there is no cure, and most young men with DMD survive only into their early twenties. 

We need everyone’s strength in the fight to end Duchenne. No matter who you are, there are ways you can contribute and ways in which you can get involved to end Duchenne.

We have selected to support Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy where the Stepps are active in fighting for a cure for their son Garin.  100% of the money raised by this auction will be donated to Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy.

Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy (PPMD) is the largest nonprofit organization in the United States focused entirely on Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  No other organization lobbies the government more aggressively to increase funding for Duchenne.  PPMD strives to improve the treatment, quality of life, and long-term outlook for all individuals affected by DMD through research, advocacy, education, and compassion.

The winner of this auction will receive a signed copy of the 2009 Calendar, the robe worn on the cover, and will be personally delivered to your home or office by cover model Cody Bloomfield. 

Your donation is tax deductable.

To visit the auction, click HERE